I’m prefacing today’s post by saying that I'm just beginning my chakra learning. I know this information goes way deeper than my limited understanding, but I hope this can still be helpful for you along your journey.
What Are Chakras?
The concept of chakras dates back to 1500-500 BCE. It was first mentioned in Hindu texts known as The Vedas. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “spinning disc”. There are 7 major chakras within your body; the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown.
Each chakra is an energy center positioned along your spine. The chakras are all associated with different qualities, endocrine glands, colors, and elements.
The health and balance of your chakras directly relates to your physical, emotional, and mental health. By understanding your chakras, you learn more about your holistic self. When chakras are aligned and balanced, we function at an optimal state of health and wellness.
Life presents many challenges and this can cause our chakras to become misaligned or unbalanced. Your chakras work together as a team. So, if one chakra is closed (underfunctioning) the other chakras may overcompensate (overfunction). Stress, trauma, negative thoughts, and poor environmental factors can all impact how open or closed our chakras are.
When we are in tune with our chakras, we are able to work towards a proper balance and becoming more aligned. This ultimately improves our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
The first chakra is called Muladhara, or Root Chakra. It is positioned at the base of the spine. It is associated with the color red and the element of earth. It connects with the adrenal glands in your body, where cortisol, the stress hormone is created.
The root chakra is our survival center; it is connected to instinct, stability, security, and physical needs. Having a balanced root chakra allows us to feel grounded, connected, and present with our physical self. Because of its connection with the adrenal gland, the root chakra also oversees our fight, flight, or freeze response.
When the root chakra is open and balanced, we feel safe and empowered. We are energized and excited to take on the day. We are comfortable in new situations, respond calmly in chaotic situations and make practical, good decisions.
The root chakra can also be closed or blown open. When it is closed we may feel a lack of energy or excitement, depressed, exhausted, lethargic, anxious, frustrated, or insecure. It is also common to feel “stuck” when your root chakra is closed. On the flipside, a blown open chakra (overfunctioning) leads to negativity, anger, and greed. Whether it's closed or blown open, an imbalanced root chakra ungrounds us.
Our Current Situation
With everything that is happening in the world today, uneasiness and uncertainty are very common. In a very real sense, we are ungrounded. Our normal routine and lifestyle has been completely uprooted.
In response, we may feel anxious, depressed, or exhausted. This is a manifestation of our root chakra being closed. We are no longer connected in the ways we used to rely on. We also may feel angry, frustrated, or like we need hundreds of rolls of toilet paper. This is a result of the root chakra being blown open.
It is common to not feel safe right now. With that basic need in jeopardy, it’s bound to have an impact on our health and overall wellbeing.
Opening the Root Chakra
If you’re feeling particularly ungrounded, it could help to work on opening and balancing your root chakra. Here are a few things you can do to find a better balance with your root chakra.
Move your body. Go for a walk, do yard work, stretch, anything that connects you with your physical self. Movement strengthens the root chakra because it reminds you of the physical connection you have with yourself.
Yoga. There are several yoga poses that can be used to open your root chakra. Mountain pose, savasana, sukhasana, and uttanasana are all great options. If you’re new to yoga, or unsure of the poses, I highly recommend this video by Yoga with Adriene. (You can always count on Adriene for a great yoga video).
Take a few minutes to ground yourself. Put your bare feet on the earth. Do this outdoors if possible but indoors can work too. Stand up tall with your feet hip-distance apart, knees slightly bent. Feel the earth physically supporting you under your feet.
Meditate. There are several meditations available on YouTube specifically for the root chakra. Most of them require a big time investment though (here is a 15-minute meditation). If you only have a few minutes, try imagining a red flower at the base of your spine (where the root chakra is located). When you breathe in, visualize red light flowing into your body and centering around the red flower. Continue taking deep breaths until you feel a sense of peace.
**to read about the next chakra, click here**