In case you missed the beginning of this series, here’s a quick recap on chakras.
“Chakra is the Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “spinning disc”. There are 7 major chakras within your body; the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown.
The health and balance of your chakras directly relates to your physical, emotional, and mental health. By understanding your chakras, you learn more about your holistic self. When chakras are aligned and balanced, we function at an optimal state of health and wellness.”
Now, on to the second chakra...
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
The second chakra is called Svadhisthana, or Sacral Chakra. This chakra sits about two finger-widths above your root chakra, or about three inches below your belly button. It is associated with the color orange and the element of water. Within your body, it is connected with the ovaries or testes.
The sacral chakra is your center for emotion, creativity, relationships, pleasure, and sexuality. Svadhisthana means “your own place”. The sacral chakra is where you build your place in the world. Different from the root chakra, which focuses on survival and grounding, the sacral chakra focuses on pleasure and enjoyment.
This chakra oversees your ability to have fun, explore, feel emotion, build relationships, and create a personal identity. When you have a healthy sacral chakra, you manifest the life you want. It’s not a coincidence that the sacral chakra is located near the birth canal; this is where you create the life you desire.
The sacral chakra is also the home of your sexuality. It’s the pleasure center. It’s all about enjoyment, pleasure, and connection.
When your sacral chakra is in balance, you feel a sense of adventure. You have strong, supportive friendships. You’re more willing to take risks in an effort to fulfill your dreams. You’re ambitious and excited about life.
Sacral Chakra Imbalances
Like any chakra, your sacral chakra can be closed or blown open. These imbalances manifest in different ways.
If your sacral chakra is closed, you may feel detached or isolated. You don’t feel connected to the world around you. You may also feel bored or “stuck”. A closed sacral chakra leads to a lack of creativity and self-expression. You may feel insecure or have low confidence. A low libido is also a symptom of a closed sacral chakra.
On the other hand, if your sacral chakra is blown open, you seek too much pleasure and enjoyment. This often manifests as an addictive personality (drugs, sex, gambling, etc.). You can’t get enough of the vices that bring you pleasure. You may have a hard time establishing boundaries for yourself. Another sign of a blown open sacral chakra is codependency or excessive emotional attachment. Because the sacral chakra governs emotion, you may be overly emotional in your reactions or feel more aggressive.
Strategies for Balancing Your Sacral Chakra
In order to balance your sacral chakra, you need to have more fun. Here are a few ideas that you can try to strengthen your sacral chakra:
Dance, create, play, be spontaneous. Do the things you enjoy! Make time for fun in your life.
Connect with others. Strengthen your social relationships. Find friends that support you. Be open and honest with them. Let your friends support you.
Journal your emotions. Often our journal becomes a play by play of the days’ events. Take time to pay attention to what you feel and write about it. Explore your emotions and honor them through recognition.
Connect with water. The sacral chakra’s element is water because it flows, just as emotions and pleasure ebbs and flows. Swim, take a bath, or spend time at the beach.
Meditate. Meditation can help balance any of your chakras. For a quick meditation, spend 3-5 minutes imagining a warm orange light sitting in the area of your sacral chakra. If you have more time, here is a 15-minute sacral chakra meditation.
Yoga. Triangle pose, pigeon pose, bound angle pose, and goddess pose are all great for opening the sacral chakra. If you’d like more guidance, here is a full sacral chakra yoga practice.